About Me

My name is Trudy and I live in Moore, Oklahoma. If you are not familiar with where that is, it is best explained this way: There is a pathway through the middle of the country that tornados tend to travel. It is commonly called "Tornado Alley". Moore, Oklahoma is the pothole right smack dab in the middle of that alley.

A sane person would move. We are -not- sane...

A few facts about me:

  • I am a Mother of four. Three boys, and one girl.
  • I am a wife. My husband should count as a fifth kid, but I love him anyway.
  • I work a full time job along with my husband.  Despite that, I often wonder where all the money goes.
  • I am a twin sister. I also have another brother and sister who are also twins. What are the odds of that?
  • I lost my Mother when she was only 54. We were very close. I cried a lot. I still cry on the anniversary and her birthday.
  • I have a dog named Rosco. I guess he counts as a 6th kid as he tends to be very needy.
  • I live in a small suburban home. Some neighbors I know. Some I don't.
  • I drive a minivan. I know... I bet you saw that coming.
  • I wish I weighed less than I do. Sometimes I am successful with my diets. Sometimes not.
  • My Husband says I am allergic to electronic devices. Or maybe they are allergic to me. Regardless, they don't seem to work right when I press their buttons.
  • I embarrass easily.
  • I sometimes wear my heart on my sleeve.
  • I worry a lot, and probably could be classified as someone that struggles with depression.
  • I go to church. A lot. Three services a week. Plus a women's meeting once a month.
  • I love my Pastor. A lot. My Husband says he is my other Father. I think he is just jealous.
  • I tend to volunteer. A lot. It tends to aggravate my husband.
  • I have an iPhone. Not really sure how to use most of it, but I have one anyway. It does not work a lot, but that may have something to do with the fact that I am allergic to things with buttons.
  • My husband edits my prayers because I can barely spell, and I understand proper grammar only marginally better. Truthfully, he is not a lot better at it than I, but he's the best we have, so.... Find a spelling or grammar issue, and you can blame him.
  • My favorite color is yellow.
  • I never wear yellow. I don't look good in it.
  • My husband watches the news. A lot.
  • I hate the news. A lot.
  • I get along with everybody I meet. I genuinely love people.
  • I have been married for 19 years. There was a time I wondered if it would last. But I tend to be patient, and God tends to be good. Way more good than I am patient, if I am being totally honest.
I list all of these things so you can see that I am probably a lot like you. I struggle with all things normal people struggle with. I cry and weep. I laugh and giggle. Times are great. Times are not so great. I seek after advice. I give advice. I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder sometimes how long the tunnel is. I have lost. I have gained.

All of these things are true of anyone that takes the time to stop by my blog. ...That my husband writes for me....

Through it all, I have learned, and am still learning, that God is real. He loves me. He loves me so much, He sent His Son for me. And His Son loves me so much, that my human brain can't even comprehend it all.

It prompted me, at some point, to start texting a daily prayer to my family. After others started learning about it, I was asked to start sending it to them as well. Soon, I was texting them to friends, people at church, and co-workers.

My husband came up with the idea to put it down on a blog, a Facebook page, Twitter, and Pintrest. All those links are at the top of the page. Of course with my gadget allergy, he had to intercede on my behalf, but it's the least he can do. After all, when he is watching his news programs every evening, I bring him a glass of iced tea. And I smile when I do it. Because I love him. And he is so darned cute with he grins at me with deep appreciation.

Every morning, just so you know, I sit in bed and do a short Bible study. Then I pray. Then I write Trudy's Daily Prayer out and send it to my Husband, who does all of the other work to try and get it out to you. Sometimes those prayers are reflective of the Bible study I just did. Other times they are a product of the last message my awesome, amazing, and extremely wise Pastor just preached. Sometimes it is because of something I am going through. Sometimes it is based on what someone I know is going through. Sometimes it is something that has been just dropped into my heart.

Regardless of the inspiration, I am choosing to believe on my God that they will help to make your day better. That they will boost your spirit when you are at your lowest. That they will confirm something that you have been dwelling on. Or, that they will help to provide clarity and a sense of peace no matter how high the mountain, or how deep the valley. The Bible says that the rain falls on the just, and the unjust. A more modern way of saying that is: Life Happens. One thing I know for sure, is that in all things, and at all times, prayer can make a difference. I hope these prayers make a difference for you.

Be blessed,
Trudy B.