Friday, April 29, 2016

The Stamp Of Approval

I know that I have spoken a lot about trusting this week. It's probably because I know that trusting is not always so easy. Another thing that is not so easy, is dealing with the need for approval. Having the approval of others is always nice. It feels good to know that others think highly of your accomplishments or deeds. Oh I know that many will say out loud that they could not care less what others think of them, but let's be honest here. What we say out loud, is often not true of what we feel in our hearts. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Oh Yes I Can!

This week has been interesting at work. I work in a call center for the Hyatt hotel chain. I have been there for a little over a year, but coming into this job I had little to no experience. I had spent the last 20 years raising kids. Now I had a job where I had to use a computer. I have never been a fluent typer, along with the fact that my husband claims anything with buttons is allergic to me. They just never work right. Now I am having to type for eight hours a day on a computer that I am convinced hates me. At first I thought, I am never going to be able to do this.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Life In The Rearview Mirror: Part 3 (Finish Line Ahead)

I would never have thought I would I would write a blog series with three parts, but here we are. I get the feeling that somebody really needs to hear this. So I am going to do this one last piece and try to wrap it up. So whoever this is for, please listen up.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Life In The Rearview Mirror: Part 2

Yesterday I talked about part of my journey that I have been on for the last few years. Sometimes it is good to look back and reflect on where we have been, who we have met, the relationships we have shared, and the many ups and downs we have experienced. If you did not read yesterday's blog, then you should because it is relevant to this one. Here is the link if you have missed it.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Life In The Rearview Mirror: Part 1

Have you looked in the rearview mirror lately? I am not talking about the car you drive to work, but rather your life and the journey you have been on. Have you considered all that you have seen? What you have done? The people you have had relationships with? The good stuff and the bad stuff? Well of course you have.

Friday, April 22, 2016

What Are You Working For?

Today I spent a lot of time in a dentist chair. There are two things that we can all agree on when it comes to dentist chairs. Number one, if you are sitting in one, you would much rather be somewhere else. Number two, you have a lot of time to think. Today, while wishing I was somewhere else and thinking a lot, I began to focus my thinking on the word "work".

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Are You A Seeker?

Are you a seeker? If I asked my kids or my husband that question, the first thing they would think about is the Harry Potter books. A seeker in those books, according to my husband, flew around chasing a little golden ball in a weird ariel version of soccer. If that is where your head went to when I asked that question, I promise that is not what I was referring to.

By the way, I am not a Harry Potter fan. I think they are good movies to take naps to.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

On My Daddy's Knee

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are all having a great day. I have been thinking on a few things these last few days. My pastor has been teaching a series called "Approaching God". It has been designed to teach us how to have a closer, deeper relationship with God. It has been a great series for me, because I have often worried over if I am even hearing what God is saying. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Stretching So We Can Run

Some days I really struggle to have confidence in what I believe. Those are the days that God will drop a thought or scripture in front of me that reminds me that my God is stronger than what I think or see. My God knows my strengths and weaknesses. He also knows what He needs to do to make me stronger and more confident in Him.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Roadsigns To Prosperity

All who wish to be prosperous, raise your hand. Do we have any takers? I thought so...

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Grocery Store Greeter...

There is a local grocery store I go to. Every time I walk through the door, there is a young man that is a greeter. I am not sure what has happened to him, but there is a long scar running from somewhere below his shirt collar, up the side of his neck, and disappearing into his hair line behind his ear. Whatever happened, I imagine it was very traumatic.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Firm Adherence...

I was thinking about yesterday's prayer, and decided to delve deeper into the word love. As I was doing my research, another word began to ring in my spirit. Integrity. How does Integrity tie into God's meaning of Love? Well first we start with another definition...

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Contemplating Love

Many times as I am doing my morning Bible study, and preparing for these daily prayers, I run across the word "love". It's mentioned a lot. Like over 500 times in the NIV version. So there is no wonder that I keep running into it...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Clock, The Road, And The Pillar Of Fire

I was just thinking on some things that I heard over the weekend. One thing I found very interesting was in the story of Moses when he lead the Israelites from Egypt. I had always read the story of them being caught between the Red Sea and the Egyptian Army, and I would get really nervous for them...

Monday, April 11, 2016

Practice Makes Perfect

Yesterday, the greatest Pastor in the world - yes I am biased - was talking about how practice makes perfect.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Join Us!

UPDATE: church is now over but feel free to join us each week at 10AM central.

Our church has the ability to live stream the service. Join us now at the following link!lfc-live/c1c7e

Friday, April 8, 2016

Allowing God To Forgive You

“But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3.

This is just a test blog to see if I can also post to Twitter and Facebook. Let's cross our fingers and hope this works...